Zara thigh boots for a bold style

18 février 2018


Here I am back after my Sunday morning jogging! When you like to eat like me, it’s important to play sports to maintain your weight … What else is new for you this week?

I’m really happy because I had a second article in the American magazine REFINERY 29, an interview about my favorite beauty products. When you’re a blogger, it’s really nice when big magazines ask you for this kind of interview! This shows that all the work that we provide for the blog and our lookbook is recognized 🙂 That’s why I’m so happy 🙂

Let’s talk about my shooting today, I present you a more daring look by the choice of zara boots waders. These waders are not necessarily easy to wear everyday. By the way after buying them the question that I asked myself is « to go where? » then I tried them and I changed my mind: they can be worn during the day with a big sweater or a dress so as not to look like Puss in Boots😉

chat beauté


With this look, this is an opportunity for me to return to more original styles that I liked. When I was a teenager, I had my period where I dared colors and overlays of improbable clothes whose results I liked. With the years, I became much more classic whereas when one has a fashion blog, it is a place of ideal expression especially when the blog is called Lina OSE! See you soon for my next daring looks!

Fabric thigh boots (out of stock):ZARA

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